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Get to Know: Curtis Glover

If you’ve driven through East Tennessee lately, you’ve likely seen the artistic stylings of Curtis Glover, and you didn’t even know it.

Curtis was born on the other side of the Smokies in Charlotte, N.C. He moved around quite a bit, until he settled in Knoxville 16 years ago and decided to call the Heart of the Tennessee Valley home.

Just by looking at the incredible art he creates, you wouldn’t think that he didn’t have any formal artistic schooling, aside from mandatory classes before graduating high school. But he didn’t.

Curtis was always doodling in sketchbooks and creating on canvases that he received as gifts, though, and his passion and skills grew as he did.

When he realized he could make a living with his sketches and share his creative abilities with the world, it only further fueled Curtis’ passion for art and convinced him to stick to it.

His artwork has taken him to other countries and across the SouthEastern United States. One trip at a time, he is sharing his gift with the world.

“So far, I’ve been up to Toronto through a Visit Knoxville gig and Costa Rica three times for a non-profit, school project to help beautify the area,” he said. “Also, I will be in Florida in a few weeks for a mural festival. My work spans across the state of Tennessee as well.”

Recently Curtis has been working on the KnoxWalls project in Downtown Knoxville.

The project is a collaboration between Dogwood Arts and Lilienthal Gallery Owner Ilana Brodt, in efforts to fulfill Ilana’s dream of taking Emory Place and turning it into a hub for art and culture - according to the Dogwood Arts’ website.

The partnership brought in artists from across the country to contribute to the beautification of the Knoxville cityscape.

Curtis applied to the national call when it was announced, and — spoiler alert — he was accepted.

This is only one of many projects Curtis has worked on in Knoxville. Earlier this year he did a series of stunning murals for the Sarah Moore Greene Magnet School.

“I did a tribute portrait of Sarah Moore Greene, who was a civil rights activist and community leader in the area,” Curtis said. “The other two murals depict my interpretation of their mascot, the eagles, flying over the Smoky Mountains and the third mural is pictures of fruits and vegetables to show the kids a variety of food that are healthy for you.”

When working on a new piece, Curtis tends to add his own influences and twists, growing on the vision presented by clients.

In September, he completed a new mural at the Townsend Visitor Center that perfectly depicts what the Smoky Mountains is to so many locals.

“I worked with Smokies Life depicting the local flora and fauna in the region to best represent the area. These are all things you would find on the trails in the area at different times of year,” he explained. “It also serves as a learning tool as there are many identifiable plants and animals throughout the mural. I believe the locals and tourism board enjoyed it when I finally completed it in time for their members’ weekend celebration.”

Curtis posts updates and murals regularly at To stay up-to-date on local art and events in Knoxville, follow on Facebook and Instagram.

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